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System Design

Creating your IT environment

A network used to be a simple affair, sharing files and printers within your organisation.

These days however, your network may include the Internet, multiple sites with synchronised data access, services to allow you users to work from home, Wireless systems and even Video conferencing and IP Telephony.

Network security is critical, as more and more services and departments become reliant on the computer and Internet, keeping your data safe from both outside and inside attack is essential.

NeoNexus can help with design and implementation of all these services, from Internet Access to Video conferencing we have qualified system engineers and design experts to help you to achieve the solution that’s right for you.

We can help sift through the myriad of options, pointing you to those that lead to a stable, high performance system.

NeoNexus doesn’t sell anything but services (sometimes we will supply spare parts in an emergency). To ensure we have your best interest in mind, we assist you in buying the product directly from the vendor – allowing us to sit on the same side of the table with you. There is never a question of whether you are getting a good deal.


  • “Best Practice” Information Technology systems

  • Unbiased advice

  • Security built in from the start

  • Options explained in plain English

  • Designed for your business